مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : What is XP methodology in system development?

دموع المحبة
03-07-2013, 08:41 AM
XP methodology
To build up any system you will need a proper way to start and to finish. In any system there are some requirements from the customer and this requirement can give a proper image about the system needed to be design.
Some of the methodology prevents us from going back to the previous part of the project to make any changes. Some of methodology allows us to go back any time of the project and make some changes even if the system is in ready mode.
One of the systems which allow us to get feedback and go back if necessary is the Extreme programming (XP) methodology.
Extreme programming is a software development methodology which organizes the team to make a high quality system. This methodology enables the teamwork and it organize the members of that team by sharing the work between them, and also by making them get a feedback from each other and go back if necessary.

Comparing XP methodology with a traditional methodology

In fact XP methodology came out to solve traditional methodology problems. One of the problems solved by XP methodology is the time needed to finish any project. In traditional systems the design team will work and other teams will wait for the other team to finish, where in XP methodology each member can work from the day one. Also XP methodology allows the team members to collect a feedback from the customer and they will be able to make the changes required.