مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The food guide pyramid

حوراء الحصن
28-08-2009, 11:25 PM
All the people dream of a healthy body and try to keep their body healthy by using different ways. One of this ways is having a balanced diet. To have a well balanced diet, we need some knowledge in this area. Recently, dietary scientists put a perfect and simple way to make up a good diet. It is "The food guide pyramid". So, I chose this topic to write about it in my report.
The advantages of food pyramid:-
The food pyramid helps us to build a healthy diet and gives us the number of servings we should eat from each part of the pyramid every day. Also, it tells us that we need to eat a variety of foods from all five groups.
This pyramid includes five groups, they are:
1- Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group
2- Vegetable Group
3- Fruit Group
4- Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group
5- Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts Group
Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group
This group forms the bottom of the pyramid, so the foods in this group should make up the biggest part of what we eat all day. That's because bread, cereal, rice, and pasta are all great sources of carbohydrate, the nutrient that the body uses as its major energy source. And carbohydrate isn't the only bonus we'll get from this food group: we'll also get lots of B vitamins and some iron.
The Food Guide Pyramid suggests that people eat six to 11 servings from this group each day.
Vegetable Group
The vegetable group is toward the bottom of the pyramid. This means that lots of daily servings of vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Veggies are great because they are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A. Tomatoes and cauliflower are perfect source for vitamin C. Be sure to include bunches of broccoli and spinach, too, because dark green vegetables help keep you healthy.
Vegetables also provide carbohydrates for the energy your body needs, as well as plenty of fiber. Fiber is important because it helps your digestive system move things along the way it should, and it can help protect you from getting sick later in life.
The Food Guide Pyramid suggests that people eat three to five servings from this group each day.
Fruit Group
The fruit group is near the bottom of the pyramid. Daily servings of fruit play a big role in a good diet. Fruits are fabulous because they provide important vitamins that keep you feeling fine and looking good. Vitamin C is a big player in this food group - it's in fruits like oranges, strawberries, watermelon, and lots more. Apricots are good sources of vitamin C, too!
Fruits also give you carbohydrates, the body's favorite kind of fuel. On the top of that, fruits are full of fibers.
The Food Guide Pyramid suggests that people eat two to four servings from this group each day.
Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group
This food group is high up on the pyramid. This means that even though these foods are important for good health, we don't need to eat as many of them in one day as we do of foods lower down on the pyramid. Eating and drinking milk, yogurt, and cheese is the best way to get our daily calcium. And we'll have the power of protein to help us grow and build our body when we pick foods from this part of the pyramid.
The Food Guide Pyramid suggests that people eat two to three servings from this group each day.
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts Group
This food group is also high up on the pyramid, so we shouldn’t eat a big amount of it .Meat, poultry (this means chicken, turkey, and other birds), fish, beans, eggs, and nuts have one thing in common: they all supply you us the super-important nutrient protein. They also load us up with iron and zinc.
The Food Guide Pyramid suggests that people eat two to three servings from this group each day.
Fats, Oils, and Sweets
Fats, oils, and sweets are a little different from the other parts of the pyramid because they don't make up a group in the same way the other foods do. They sit at the very top of the pyramid, which means that our body should have smaller amounts of them. Our body needs fat for some things, but it's smart to avoid eating too much of it. And although sugary foods like candy and ******s are simple carbohydrates that can give us quick energy, they are usually loaded with calories and don't offer much in the way of nutrients. In the right amount, though, fats and sweets can spike up the flavor in meals and snacks.
The Food Guide Pyramid suggests that when it comes to fatty, oily, or sugary foods, people should use them sparingly. In other words, eat only a little bit and don't eat them very often.
Health is one of the goals that human want to catch it and do the impossible to get it and foods play a big act. So, we can use this simple pyramid to choose our daily healthy food and by following it precisely, be sure that we will look best