مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Love

الفارس البلوشي
14-04-2006, 07:00 PM

Love is

Being happy for the other person
When they are happy
Being sad for the other person
When they are sad
Being together in good times
And being together in bad times
Love is the source of strength

Love is

Being honest with yourself at all times
Being honest with the other person at all times
Telling, listening, respecting the truth
And never pretending
Love is the source of reality

Love is

An understanding that is so complete that
You feel as if you are a part of the other person
Accepting the other person just the way they are
And not trying to change them to be something else
Love is the source of unity

Love is

The freedom to pursue your own desires
While sharing your experiences with the other person
The growth of one individual alongside of
And together with the growth of another individual
Love is the source of success

Love is

Giving and taking in a daily situation
Being patient with each other's needs and desires
Love is the source of sharing

Love is

Knowing that the other person
Will always be with you regardless of what happens
Missing the other person when they are away
But remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of security

Love is

The excitement of planning things together
The excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of the future

Love is

The source of life


زهر البنفسج
14-04-2006, 07:43 PM
Love is

Being happy for the other person
When they are happy
Being sad for the other person
When they are sad
Being together in good times
And being together in bad times
Love is the source of strength

كلمات في غايه الروعه تسلم اخي عليها

والله يحفظك انشاء الله من كل شر

والله لا يحرمنا منك

زهر البنفسج

الفارس البلوشي
14-04-2006, 08:38 PM
أختي الكريمة زهر البنفسج

أسعدني مرورج العطر ..

ودمتي بخير .

اليقين بالله
21-05-2006, 06:40 PM
بارك الله فيك يالفارس . عبارات معبرة جدا .
Love is

Giving and taking in a daily situation

جريح الذكريات
21-05-2006, 10:56 PM
كلمات بها كثير من المعاني صديقي الفارس .....

Love is

The excitement of planning things together
The excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of the future

الفارس البلوشي
22-05-2006, 12:07 AM

وجريح الذكريات

مروركم عطر صفحتي ..

شكرا جزيلا لكم .

02-06-2006, 10:47 AM
Love is

Being honest with yourself at all times

من الصميم الى الصميم بوركت
كلمات معبره وصادقه

تحياتي نظر عيني

الفارس البلوشي
02-06-2006, 01:43 PM
شكرا على الرد والمشاركه العطره .

دفئ الكون
02-06-2006, 02:25 PM
it is so coooooooooooool

الفارس thanks

الفارس البلوشي
02-06-2006, 07:44 PM
دفئ الكوووووووون


Love is

The excitement of planning things together
The excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of the future

زعيم المحبة
06-06-2006, 04:14 PM
Love is

Being honest with yourself at all times

تسلم يدك يا غالي الفارس البلوشي ع هذه الكلمات الجميله، الله يحفظك دوم يا اخوي

الفارس البلوشي
06-06-2006, 10:09 PM
شكرا لك أخي الزعيم على مرورك العطر .

02-11-2007, 09:42 PM

06-11-2007, 09:49 AM
love is something u can share
something you give it to others with big smile
love salve our souls

love each other
to live happily ever after