مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : is it ok to use the new strange english chat

الرحيل الساحر
22-05-2007, 08:22 AM
hello nation :thumbsup:

today i want to talk about something very important which is using chat language in the internet and in the mobile phone as well

we know that people espiceally you ones use the english arabic chat language to connect with each others. for example , when someone wants to tell his partner that he is not going to the party tonight ,he will say

ana ma bro7 al party tonight

you see? this kind og language is a bit strange but young people prefer it because it has no rules or grammar to follow as the said.

but the signifecant matter is

is this languge is ok to improve your language skills in english or not ?

i will give you the chance to say your opinion

so let us start the debate

byt the way :
7= ح باللغة لاعربية
3= عين باللغة العربية
6= ط باللغة لاعربية
5= خ باللغة العربية
2= همزة باللغة العربية
9= ص باللغة العربية
9"= ض باللغة العربية
3"= غ باللغة العربية

and we use these letters in this strange numbered language

حوراء الحصن
22-05-2007, 08:36 AM
this idea is very useful my brother

because every one benefits >>
lt is beatiful mixes arabic with english languge

الرحيل الساحر
22-05-2007, 08:49 AM
yah dear sis, i agree with you but you have to consider something. what about these people who study acadmic english which is high standard and then touch this strange language? won't they affected hardly in thier acadimic one?

حوراء الحصن
22-05-2007, 11:59 AM
Brotherly have to get difficult, especially English language has become the language of the task at the present time we should exercise every day to see the news read in English news English or travel abroad HHHH or take summer courses

الرحيل الساحر
22-05-2007, 04:10 PM
you went to another diminsion dear sis
am talking about the effects of the chat language on acadimc learners.my major is english and i do speak standard one but when i saw people using this chat language i thought,,doesn't it affects on thier orginal english skills which they had been stydying for years?

22-05-2007, 05:54 PM
great topic

I think it is not improve our language, when we chatting with english and arbic in same time!!

study english skills need many important thing grammer ,vocabury ,.....
but in chating its ok if we use arebic and engilsh togather
its gust 4 chatting not 4 learning or speaking in our jobs or translation and interpration

Thanx alooooooot 4 this nice topic:)


حوراء الحصن
23-05-2007, 08:36 AM
You mean my brotherl youth who know Arabic language became write Arabs initialed Alatynet true??

حوراء الحصن
23-05-2007, 08:43 AM
This is true brotherly duty upon us to preserve the Arabic language

الرحيل الساحر
26-05-2007, 09:00 AM
no miss 7ora2 *_*

i meant the arabic students who want to study perfect english as an a major for them.

about the arabic language am proud of being speak arabic but when it comes to carrier and jop , i will forget it.

go it?

نظر عيني
watch out for your spelling taypo *_* don't write too fast

حوراء الحصن
26-05-2007, 12:02 PM
the topic is very ni:) cefor discussion Thanks brother

الرحيل الساحر
26-05-2007, 06:52 PM
well, that's who i am
the creative one


i hope everyone comes and shars us his opinion